Online Dating Tips

Mainly this guide is for women, but men can learn from this as well.

To begin the process of online dating many things can contribute to a smooth experience. One of the first things is to secure a neutral email address. This is one that does not contain personal or vital information that can divulge anything that you do not select to tell a prospective date. As time goes by, that data can be willingly given without it being posted in your communications.


It is a well known idea to meet in a public place for the first meeting. Before we even take this into consideration, I would like to mention a very important suggestion. Anything you know about your blind date might be put on a paper or left on the computer should anyone like to find you while you are gone. If you are aware of a street address, phone number, name and email address those things should be listed. Mention the time and date along with the place you are meeting this person. If you live with someone, give that paper to them before you go out socializing.You could also mention you are going on a date as part of a conversation with a mail person,a neighbor or someone you see or talk to everyday.

Let the waitress or waiter know you have just met the person that you are accompanying for coffee or a meal. This informs someone that this is a first meeting. This is a little added security so you don’t feel alone.

If you are on the date in a neighborhood that you are familiar with, go where you have a friend that you might bump into for a casual introduction. If possible, go where your date is familiar so you can meet someone that is known to them. We are judged by the company we keep, so that will be at least an idea of the circle of friends .

As soon as the date has ended and you are back home, inform those you told about leaving for that time, that you are back, so they will know.